

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.


Kindly call 24 hours before your scheduled appointment should the need to reschedule or cancel arises. Same day cancellation will result in a 25% charge of the service scheduled. No call - no show for a scheduled appointment will result in a 50% charge of service scheduled.

Late Arrivals

If you are 15 minutes late for your appointment, we will happily reschedule to a more convenient time for you.

Cell Phones

Cell phones, please turn off at your arrival to the spa. You will enjoy your service much more without being disturbed.

Children and Guests

While we love children and pets, alas the Spa is no place for them. Our liability insurance does not allow for children or pets to be present in the spa while you are receiving services. Legal exceptions are made for service animals.


The Covid pandemic has certainly been a deterrent for businesses. We are following CDC guidelines and then added a few extra steps to ensure the safety. And health of both clients and staff. There is an air purifier in the treatment room which cleans and circulates the air every 20 minutes. Also in the room is a 3 prong UV light sterilizer to further clean surfaces. This is run for 15 minutes between clients and 60 minutes at the end of day. The landlord has installed a UV light purifier in the air ducts.